The return of creature decks to Modern

The Return of Creature Decks to Modern

Mason ClarkModern, Strategy

Modern, as a format, has always been propped up by a “you can do whatever you want” mentality. However, during the last year, Yorion made playing creature decks in Modern incredibly difficult due to cards like Solitude, Fury, Prismatic Ending and Unholy Heat.  The good news for creature fans in Modern is that many of these cards are on the …

Lessons Learned from DreamHack Atlanta Regional Championship

Lessons Learned from DreamHack’s Regional Championship

Mason ClarkPioneer

Last weekend, DreamHack Atlanta featured the 2023 season’s first Regional Championship. I competed in the event and secured a Pro Tour invite, learning plenty along the way. So, today we are going to talk about three decks that taught some lessons and secured their pilots pro tour invites.  The “best” deck for the moment Izzet Phoenix was the “best deck” …

The Brothers' War Updated Decks for Pioneer

The Brothers’ War: Pioneer deck updates

Mason ClarkPioneer

The biggest Pioneer tournament of the year, DreamHack Atlanta, is just one week away, and players are rushing around trying to figure out what to play in a post Brothers’ War world. Can players trust the reliable meta decks, or will things change? That’s hard to say, but here are how some decks have changed after an injection of new …

State of Standard: Post Meathook Ban

State of Standard: Post Meathook Ban

Mason ClarkStandard

Wizards of the Coast banned The Meathook Massacre in Standard last week in the company’s first of such actions this year. This has created an interesting wrinkle in the format, since you were either playing Meathook before or trying to invalidate it. While not format breaking, the card acted as a barrier that prevented Standard from having more deck diversity. …

Four Color Modern Decks Post Yorion ban

Four Color Modern Decks Post Yorion Ban

Mason ClarkModern

This Monday, a key, Modern player suffered a ban in the latest Banned and Restricted announcement: Yorion the Sky Nomad.  This is both a huge shake up for Modern while also keeping the rules of engagement relatively the same. Often, when a big ban shakes up the format, the cards you’re trying to beat and the removal you’re trying to …

Playing Rhinos in Modern

Playing Rhinos in Modern

Michael RappModern, Strategy

At the beginning of what I call the New Modern era (Modern Horizons and forward), Rhinos decks centered around cascading into Crashing Footfalls burst onto the scene and remained a top tier deck for some time. But at some point, Modern adjusted and Rhinos fell out of favor — replaced by Living End and Glimpse combo. However, Leyline Binding seems …