The Lord of the Rings Tales of Middle-earth Modern Results

The Lord of the Rings Tales of Middle-earth Modern Results

Mason ClarkModern

Lord of the Rings Tales of Middle-earth hasn’t been around Magic Online for long, but there are already plenty of Modern results to look at from recent challenges and the showcase.  The decks we’re looking at today are all from the finals of either kind of event. And while that’s not a direct indicator of how good the decks are, …

The Lord of the Rings Updated Decks for Modern

The Lord of the Rings Tales of Middle-earth Updated Decks for Modern

Mason ClarkModern

The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth is just one week away, which means it’s time to get to brewing decks for Modern! As an incredibly wide format, this set offers many powerful options to build around and opportunities to improve existing archetypes.  Mono White Legends  White Aggro has been a staple of lower power formats for years. Looking …

Is Tempted by the Ring the New Initiative?

Is the Ring Tempts You the New Initiative?

Michael RappLegacy, Modern

The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth brings us the newest Magic mechanic “The Ring Tempts You.” Naturally, once players saw the ring tempts you in stages on a track that exists outside the game, comparisons to the Initiative mechanic started flowing.  Is being tempted by the ring going to be as format defining in Modern as taking the …

The Lord of the Rings Tales of Middle-earth Modern Highlights

The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth Modern Highlights

Mason ClarkModern

The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth is our first Universes Beyond set that goes straight to Modern. Since it’s unprecedented, players have wondered since its original announcement how it would pan out in the format. Well, today we’re taking a look at three cards that could change up the format and open new styles of decks. Stern Scolding …

The five best aggro decks in Modern

The Five Best Aggro Decks in Modern

Michael RappModern

Aggression has always been a common play style in Modern, but it has outgrown hyper-linear decks that “try to kill your opponent as fast as possible without interacting” — decks like Burn. That’s why you won’t see the famous archetype on this list of the best Aggro decks in Modern despite the fact that it’s still around and seeing play. …