Top 10 Iconic Soldiers in Magic

Kristen GregoryCanadian Highlander, Commander, Cube, Legacy, Modern, Pauper, Pioneer, Standard

Soldiers are a big part of the fabric of creature Magic. Just as Wizards are the avatar of spellcasters, Soldiers are the representation of the pawns and armies we send into battle against one another. Whether you’re jamming out skirmishes in 1v1 Magic or playing multiplayer Commander with all-out-brawls, these soldiers have been a part of the legacy of the …

The Lord of the Rings Tales of Middle-earth Building a Cube

The Lord of the Rings Tales of Middle-earth Building a Set Cube

Alexander OrtegaCube, Limited

Considering how great The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth turned out, you’re likely ready to draft this set “There and Back Again” once you reach the Undying Lands. To do this, the most organic and cost-effective approach may well be to build an LTR set Cube.  In case you haven’t heard of a Cube before, it’s a draft …

The best magic content of 2022

The Best Magic Content of 2022

Chris CornejoCommander, Cube, Limited, Magic Story, Standard, Video

As we near the end of year, it’s a good opportunity to take stock and celebrate the achievements of those around you. In that spirit, we’re going to look at some of the best work made by our friends and some other Magic content creators we think are pretty nifty. We’ll be honest, though — the Magic community is fortunate …

Building a Cube with Double Masters

Bradley RoseCube, Limited

Double Masters is fun to draft because of the powerful cards you open, and many of these cards are popular in multiple formats, including cube. So how are you adding these cards to your cube? If you haven’t built a cube before check out our article, How to Build a Cube. In this piece, we will go cover building a …

Building a Budget Cube

Alex KatzCube, Design, Limited

When most Magic players think of cubes, they think of “powered” cubes. These are the big draftable collections of cards that show up every so often on Magic: the Gathering Online, or that your friends might build with the most powerful cards in their collections. Many cubes feature the Power 9 or the most well-known cards in formats like Modern, …

How to Build a Cube

Tom AndersonCube

I don’t know about you, readers, but for me, one of the reasons Magic is such an enduring hobby is because it’s actually many similar hobbies/games stuffed into a trenchcoat. Even if I get tired of Standard, I can play some Legacy for a completely refreshing yet familiar play experience. Or Commander, or Booster Draft, or mental Magic if my …


Bradley RoseCube

You’ve dethroned monarchs, assembled contraptions, and chased planes. You might have even successfully teamed up to take down an elder dragon. But what if you had to deal with TWO powerful foes – or perhaps find yourself the one setting schemes into motion against an equally-diabolical rival? Enter Archfrenemies.          What is Archfrenemies? Archfrenemies is both a …

Card Kingdom Starter Cube

Card KingdomCube

Imagine if you could create your own custom set of cards to draft from. You could include all your old favorites from the time you started playing Magic, or the most powerful cards you have at your disposal. You could draft all your favorite archetypes – synergistic decks like Reanimator and Storm, blisteringly fast aggro decks, or midrange decks with …