Top 10 Iconic Soldiers in Magic

Kristen GregoryCanadian Highlander, Commander, Cube, Legacy, Modern, Pauper, Pioneer, Standard

Soldiers are a big part of the fabric of creature Magic. Just as Wizards are the avatar of spellcasters, Soldiers are the representation of the pawns and armies we send into battle against one another. Whether you’re jamming out skirmishes in 1v1 Magic or playing multiplayer Commander with all-out-brawls, these soldiers have been a part of the legacy of the …

Are Planeswalkers Doomed?

Are Planeswalkers Doomed?

Tom AndersonCommander, Design, Legacy, Magic Story, Modern, Pioneer, Standard

For almost 20 years now, Planeswalkers have been central to Magic’s identity as a game. The Gatewatch (along with other notables like Sarkhan, Ral, Vraska and Sorin) established a recurring central cast for the game’s storyline. They created marketable, consistent mascots for their respective color combinations and home planes. By these business-centric measures, Planeswalker cards have been an unmitigated success. …

What to Expect from Magic in 2025

Card KingdomCommander, Design, Legacy, Limited, Modern, Pioneer, Products, Standard

MagicCon Las Vegas happened this past weekend, and with it came a presentation from Wizards of the Coast breaking down what we have to look forward to from Magic in 2025. We’ve gathered that information here for you – so without further ado, prepare for THE FUTURE!  Ahem.  Anyway, the future starts with a look to the past:  Innistrad Remastered – …

The Best Self-Mill Cards in Magic

The Best Self-Mill Cards in Magic

Tom AndersonCommander, Legacy, Modern, Pioneer, Standard

Graveyard decks have always been a huge part of Magic, ever since the first Animate Dead was used to cheat out the first Lord of the Pit or Shivan Dragon. But if you broaden your definition beyond simple reanimation, almost every deck has some way to get value out of the yard – and if yours doesn’t, you’re probably not …

Banned and Restricted Update 2023

Banned and Restricted Update: August 2023

Mason ClarkLegacy, Modern, Pioneer

This week, Wizards of the Coast announced their last Banned and Restricted update before switching to a new, yearly cadence in October. But while conversation in the community was blowing up about targets for Modern and Pioneer, every possible option escaped the hammer. Instead, Wizards of the Coast actually unbanned two cards, one in Modern and one in Legacy. The …

Is Tempted by the Ring the New Initiative?

Is the Ring Tempts You the New Initiative?

Michael RappLegacy, Modern

The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth brings us the newest Magic mechanic “The Ring Tempts You.” Naturally, once players saw the ring tempts you in stages on a track that exists outside the game, comparisons to the Initiative mechanic started flowing.  Is being tempted by the ring going to be as format defining in Modern as taking the …

Planeswalkers changing for the better

Planeswalkers Changing for the Better

Tom AndersonCommander, Legacy, Strategy

With March of the Machine and its Aftermath now both revealed, 2023 looks very much like the end of an era for Magic’s Planeswalkers. Many were casualties of the struggle against Phyrexia, including some who lost their spark and were demoted to mere legendary creatures. But even the survivors can tell their role in the multiverse has changed. In fact, …

Top 20 Mana Rituals in Magic

Top 20 Mana Rituals in Magic

Tom AndersonCommander, Legacy, Modern, Standard

Mana rituals! These distinctive, potent and strategically narrow cards are most often used to accelerate the endgame of combo decks. Perhaps due to that dangerous power, new rituals have become something of a rare sight in recent sets, no longer something Wizards of the Coast’s design team feels needs to feature prominently in Magic. However, they are an elemental building …