Top 10 Showcase art styles in Magic

The Top 10 Showcase Art Styles in Magic

Janel SantaCruz CampbellStandard

Showcase art styles are some of the most flavorful elements of any Magic: The Gathering set since their first appearance in Throne of Eldraine. In March of the Machine, which showcase art treatments are we most excited to see return? As March of the Machine draws near, we’ll soon see heroes across the multiverse of Magic: The Gathering join forces. …

Regional Championship Prep: standard

Regional Championship Prep, March 2023: Standard

Mason ClarkStandard

Standard is back in full swing with the upcoming round of Regional Championships centered on the format. With all eyes on preparing for high level Standard gameplay, the question on everyone’s mind has to be: am I going to have fun playing?  Actually, yes. Standard is incredibly healthy right now. There are Combo, Tempo, Midrange and Aggro decks all doing …

March of the Machine: Early Look

March of the Machine: An Early Look

Chris CornejoDesign, Products, Standard

With Phyrexia: All Will Be One fully released into the wild, and the resulting disaster of the Planeswalkers’ ill-fated foray into the metal plane ready to play out, it’s time to look at what comes next. March of the Machine is the next Standard set in the Magic storyline, and here’s a look at what we know so far.  The …

Faerie Mastermind and the Pantheon of Invitational Cards

Faerie Mastermind and the Pantheon of Invitational Cards

Chris CornejoLegacy, Modern, Pioneer, Standard

With the recent sneak peek at March of the Machine, one particular card stood out a bit to me. All right, a lot of cards stood out for a lot of reasons, but Faerie Mastermind caught my eye because it’s an Invitational card.  Invitational cards have been a part of the game since near the dawn of Organized Play, and …

Venerated Rotpriest: A history of bonkers one drops

Venerated Rotpriest: A History of Bonkers One-Drops

Chris CornejoModern, Pioneer, Standard

There are a lot of powerful cards in Phyrexia: All Will Be One, but we’re going to focus on this guy — Venerated Rotpriest:  This little druid has been making waves as some figured out it may be the linchpin for making several varieties of Toxic decks across multiple formats work. I fully plan on experimenting around several Proliferate builds …

The Danger of Phyrexian Mana

The Danger of Phyrexian Mana

Tom AndersonModern, Standard

Phyrexia: All Will Be One has shown us that New Phyrexia’s armies are filled with endless ranks of destructive, living weapons — but its most dangerous power remains its most simple: Phyrexian mana costs. Introduced in 2011’s New Phyrexia, at the culmination of the Phyrexian invasion of Mirrodin, Phyrexian mana allowed players to pay for spells with chunks of life …