The best mechs in Magic

The Best Mechs in Magic

Jason KrellStandard

The Brothers’ War approaches, and with it comes something that may seem a little out of place in Magic: giant battle mechs. But of course, The Brothers’ War takes place far in the past of the game’s storyline. So that means mechs have been here the whole time?  Well, kind of. Artifacts and various machines of war have been in …

State of Standard: Post Meathook Ban

State of Standard: Post Meathook Ban

Mason ClarkStandard

Wizards of the Coast banned The Meathook Massacre in Standard last week in the company’s first of such actions this year. This has created an interesting wrinkle in the format, since you were either playing Meathook before or trying to invalidate it. While not format breaking, the card acted as a barrier that prevented Standard from having more deck diversity. …

The Brothers' War: Early Look

An Early look: The Brothers’ War

Chris CornejoStandard

Well, that was a busy September, wasn’t it? Dominaria United released, and then we went through two full preview seasons for the Warhammer 40K Commander decks and Unfinity. With those two supplemental products coming out soon, we finally have a chance to relax, take in everything and slowly look forward to…wait. Oh. Well. Never mind, time for The Brothers’ War!  …

Arena Championship Issues: Assessing the Value of Alchemy

Mason ClarkAlchemy, Events, Standard

This past weekend Wizards of the Coast held a huge tournament: the first Arena Championship. It featured some of the best players in the world — with names like Shōta Yasooka and Sam Rolph — who battled it out for $200,000 dollars in prizes. When looking at the event from the outside, it had everything needed to be a spectacle …

Preparing for MTG tournaments

A Winner’s MTG Mentality: Preparing for Tournaments

Michael RappModern, Pioneer, Standard, Strategy

As the Regional Championship Qualifier season gets into full swing, many people will be playing in more competitive MTG tournaments than they have in a long time. As players return to paper Magic, it is important that they come back with the right mentality. Like anything else in life that involves competition, if you want to win, you’ll need to …