The Brothers' War Callback Cards

The Brothers’ War: Callback Cards

Chris CornejoStandard, Uncategorized

The Brothers’ War previews are in full swing, and so far, the cards look like a blast to play. In a set designed to look at Magic’s past, it’s no wonder we’re seeing a lot of callbacks to characters and events from the old lore — often for the first time. But not everything we’re seeing in BRO takes its …

Jumpstart Restarted

Jumpstart 2022: Jumpstart Restarted

Tom AndersonProducts, Standard

During last week’s WeeklyMTG video, Wizards of the Coast Communications Director Blake Rasmussen confirmed Jumpstart 2022 will be out on Dec. 2 after being announced waaay back in August 2021. We’ll finally get a deserving sequel to Magic’s best new idea since Commander precons. A FRESH START Jumpstart 2022 signals a return to the strongest points of the original concept. …

This day in MTG History: Magic on ESPN

This day in Magic history: Magic on ESPN (Oct. 21, 1997

Jacob LacknerStandard

Welcome to another edition of “This Day in Magic History.” Today, we’ll be taking a look at the first time ESPN broadcasted a Magic event. On Oct. 21, at 10:30 p.m.,a portion of the 1997 World Championship aired on ESPN2. While we are used to coverage of major Magic events today, this marked the very first time that a Magic …

State of Standard: Post Meathook Ban

State of Standard: Post Meathook Ban

Mason ClarkStandard

Wizards of the Coast banned The Meathook Massacre in Standard last week in the company’s first of such actions this year. This has created an interesting wrinkle in the format, since you were either playing Meathook before or trying to invalidate it. While not format breaking, the card acted as a barrier that prevented Standard from having more deck diversity. …

Magic's Biggest Boogeymen

Magic’s 13 Biggest Boogeymen

Tom AndersonCommander, Legacy, Modern, Standard

As a game with plenty of dark, fantasy roots, Magic has overlapped plenty with Halloween. Just look at how often we return to Innistrad, or Innistrad: Double Feature’s attempt to evoke that classic monster movie vibe. But despite our familiarity with ghouls and ghosts, demons and devils, vampires and Vorstclaws, Magic still holds certain horrors which can frighten the sleeves …

The Brothers' War Predictions

Five Predictions for The Brothers’ War

Chris CornejoStandard

The Warhammer 40K Commander decks and Unfinity are out, the first round of Brothers’ War announcement and previews have had a minute to percolate, so now it’s time for some specific predictions about the upcoming, time-traveling set. We covered a lot of the information already out there last week, and I’ve given some loose predictions about some specific characters already …

The Brothers' War: Early Look

An Early look: The Brothers’ War

Chris CornejoStandard

Well, that was a busy September, wasn’t it? Dominaria United released, and then we went through two full preview seasons for the Warhammer 40K Commander decks and Unfinity. With those two supplemental products coming out soon, we finally have a chance to relax, take in everything and slowly look forward to…wait. Oh. Well. Never mind, time for The Brothers’ War!  …