Some fringe formats thrive off individual expression, or playing the most powerful cards in Magic, or both. Anyway, here’s Chris with Dandân. Many fringe formats of Magic center around either a creature with evocative abilities and lore (Momir Vig) or a group of linked creatures so emblematic of an aspect of the game that they can’t be ignored (The Elder …
Dominaria United: which Planeswalkers will survive?
Dominaria United has brought together many Planeswalkers, and as we’ve already found out, not all of them are going to make it out of this storyline in one piece. This looks to be a major shakeup for the characters of Magic, and I’m here to give my best guess as to how likely it is that any given planeswalker in …
Dominaria United: Five Underrated Budget Commander Cards
New sets always mean new Commanders, and Dominaria United has even more than most. As the beginning of an interconnected, five-set story arc, there are many characters to introduce — old and new. And whether those characters are familiar faces or brand new to the lore, that means a lot of new cards are out there to potentially lead (or …
All the Shiny Things: Meria, Scholar of Antiquities Deck Tech
Sometimes, just seeing a card gives you an idea for a deck. Maybe it’s not a good idea. Maybe you know there’s better, more robust, well-rounded ways to build the kind of deck on your mind. But that’s not the deck in your head. No. Maybe you, like me, saw Meria, Scholar of Antiquity, and thought, “I can do something …
The Cutest Creatures in MTG
Dominaria United previews are in full swing, and both the cards and story paint a dark picture for the Magic multiverse. Powerful creatures abound, massive changes are happening to our favorite MTG characters and Phyrexia marches on. In the middle of all this, one card in particular caught my attention. LOOKITTHELITTLEFIREBIRDYIT’SSOCAYUUUUTE! Ahem. That’s right, as you probably already saw from …
Dominaria Remastered early predictions
Dominaria Remastered got a bit of a news update yesterday during the Wizards Presents stream on Twitch. We now know the reprint set will draw from 27 different sets across the history of Magic. And with that scrap of news, what better time to engage in some wild speculation and make some predictions? Let’s try to predict all the sets …
Early Look: Dominaria United
After the deluge of Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty, Streets of New Capenna, Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur’s Gate and Double Masters 2022 earlier in the year, we got a bit of breather from new Magic sets releasing this year. That breather is swiftly coming to an end with Dominaria United on the horizon in September. Let’s get back into the swing …
The History of Dominaria, Part 2
Last week we started recounting the history of Dominaria. There’s a lot to that history, so here’s how we were going about splitting it up: Part 1: Dragons and the History of the Multiverse (Alpha-Antiquities) Part 2: The Brothers War (Anitiquites, Urza’s Saga-Urza’s Destiny) Part 3: Dark Times (The Dark-Visions, circling back to Legends…and also Coldsnap, I guess) Part 4: …
The History of Dominaria, Part 1
Dominaria United is still more than a month away, but that gives us enough time to delve into a very expansive topic: the history of Dominaria as a plane. For folks newer to Magic, or those who just never paid any attention to the story, the first thing to know is that for a long, long time, Dominaria was The …
What to know before your first RCQ
With Regional Championship Qualifier Season in full swing, many folks will be returning to competitive paper Magic after a long hiatus. However, for some players, this will be their first foray into organized play. We recently covered what you should bring to a CommandFest, and while a lot of that information will transfer well to preparing for an RCQ, competitive …