Modern Tier List November 2022

Modern Tier List: Nov. 2022

Michael RappModern

Welcome back for the Nov. 2022 update to the Card Kingdom Modern Tier list! This month was a bit slow for Modern tournaments, as both SCG Philadelphia and all of the Regional Championships played Pioneer. However, we still have some solid, online data to look at for November. The Brothers’ War has been out for a couple of weeks, and …

No such thing as Free in Commander

There’s no Such Thing as Free in Commander

Kristen GregoryCommander, Strategy

There’s no such thing as a free lunch, and likewise, no such thing as “free” in Commander. Kristen is here to help us with some cost-benefit analysis.  Everyone loves free, right? Free bonus cards in your Secret Lair; free door-prizes at the LGS, a free drink with your meal deal. But none of those things are ever truly free.  The …

Lessons Learned from DreamHack Atlanta Regional Championship

Lessons Learned from DreamHack’s Regional Championship

Mason ClarkPioneer

Last weekend, DreamHack Atlanta featured the 2023 season’s first Regional Championship. I competed in the event and secured a Pro Tour invite, learning plenty along the way. So, today we are going to talk about three decks that taught some lessons and secured their pilots pro tour invites.  The “best” deck for the moment Izzet Phoenix was the “best deck” …

Optimizing for fun in Commander

It’s Time to Optimize for Fun in Commander

Kristen GregoryCommander

Kristen poses a new resolution for Commander players: optimizing a deck for fun, rather than just raw power.  Players get very invested in Commander — it must be said. This shows up whether it’s in crafting the ultimate Vorthos experience with a finely tuned and reasoned thematic deck, getting matching sleeves, playmat and cool basic lands or, more commonly, in …

The Brothers' War Draft Guide

The Brothers’ War: Draft Guide

Tom AndersonLimited, Strategy

With The Brothers’ War returning to a traditional, simultaneous Arena and physical release schedule, Draft lovers get to spend a little more time with the full spoiler before jumping into the trenches.  That’s just as well, since this set is very unique in many fundamental aspects. Wizards has leaned into the epic, world-spanning scale of their story. Every color is …

Modern Spotlight Domain Zoo

Domain Zoo is Burning up Modern

Michael RappModern

Wow, an article about Zoo in…2022? No, you haven’t fallen into some kind of time hole back to 2015. Modern Domain Zoo is, dare I say, good again.  Wild Nacatl is back at it, Ragavan is simply a superior monkey to Kird Ape and if you squint hard enough, Territorial Kavu looks like Tarmogoyf. Plus, the upgrades continue, Leyline Binding …

Threat Assessment in Commander

Threat Assessment in Commander

Jason KrellCommander, Strategy

Even as a social game, Commander doesn’t ask everyone playing to take up much responsibility. Knowing the basic rules of Magic and generally being a friendly person are the main baselines, but there is one more skill every Commander player should develop to keep games as enjoyable for everyone as possible: threat assessment. For those newer to the game, threat …